By Robert Kumwenda

President for Umodzi Party (UP) Professor John Chisi has accused politicians for diving Malawians through cultural differences with intention to get votes.

The UP leader said this at a political rally which he addressed at Chizenga Community Based Organization (CBO) ground in the area of Group Village Headman Chizenga in Chikwawa.

He said some politicians are dividing Malawians because of tribe and region just to get political mileage which is wrong.

“We are one and our needs are the same that is the reason why we are found here in Malawi. The country has reached a point to have another vision,” he said.

Chisi added that time has come for people who committed various offences to be arrested because there are people who committed crimes years ago but they are still walking scot free.

He said we are all equal whether rich or poor as such the bail should not be forever while citing example of Korea where the former President has been jailed for twenty two years , the same way in Brazil where the former President is yet to be jailed after being found guilty because corrupt charges.

“We must love each other because if we do so the problems that we are facing would not be there. If voted into power we are going to create a minister for industrialization specifically responsible for manufacturing companies because currently we only have the minister of trade and industry,” he said.

The UP leader also blamed the former head of state Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda for destroying this country by choosing Dr Bakili Muluzi to become as president of this country.

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