The country’s second lady Madam Mary Chilima has pledged to support vulnerable communities by distributing face masks in the wake of the novel coronavirus.

Madam Chilima made the pledge when she was invited to attend the Women Councilors Caucus.

“Last week I was honoured by a courtesy call from representatives of female councilors led by the Vice Chairperson of Malawi Local Government Association (MALGA), Councilor Esther Sagawa. The ladies introduced the Women’s Councilors Caucus and shared their plans and programs,” said Madam Chilima.

According to Madam Chilima, the discussion centered on innovative ways to work jointly on Covid-19 measures and how to actively participate in women, girls and children programs.

At the meeting they agreed to make a concert effort to work with vulnerable and marginalized groups within the community.

The targeted audiences are women living positively with HIV, persons with albinism, child headed households and those with disabilities.

“I pledged to support them with Covid-19 preventative resources such as masks for the vulnerable in their communities where possible,” she said.

According to Madam Chilima the meeting closed on a high positive note where everyone was encouraged to work hard for the Malawi we want.

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