Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) has asked Limbe Magistrate Court which is hearing the rape case involving a police Officer Andrew Chagaga who allegedly raped 17 year old Polytechnic Student to transfer the case to Blantyre Chief Resident Magistrate Court.

The pray was made yesterday, Wednesday in which the court was expected to start hearing the case.

Chikondi Chijozi, one of the lawyers representing the office of DPP asked the court to transfer the case to Blantyre CRM where the suspect can  be given a stiffer sentence when convicted.

According to Chijozi, Magistrate Tsoka Banda will deliver a ruling on the application on 9th February 2021.

However, Ian Kumpita, lawyer representing Chagaga objected the application by the state arguing that there is no valid reason to transfer the case to another court.

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