The Principal Resident Magistrate Court in Lilongwe has found a man ( Indian nationality) with a case to answer for allegedly   defiling an 8 year old girl, a victim with autism.
The accused identified as Mustaking Janpa, was found guilty of defilement case  on Monday 28 June 2021 before Principal Resident Magistrate Viva Nyimba.
The court, through State Prosecutor Senior Superintendent Dickens Mwambazi, heard that the Indian national defiled the victim in September last year.
Janpa  committed the offense in a boys’ quarter that belongs to the victim’s grandmother.
At this moment  the grandmother, who is also a pastor was away attending prayers.
Janpa  took advantage and defiled the girl, leaving her seriously  injured on her private parts.
In his trial, through his lawyer Patience Dolozi, Janpa pleaded not guilty, forcing the State to parade six witnesses.
But, after state submissions, he was found with a case to answer.
However, Janpa has argued to defend his case by bringing in his sole witness in court.
Magistrate Nyimba has since adjourned the case to 30th June.
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