Despite government tightening up COVID-19 measures to contain further spread of COVID-19, each passing day the country is registering an increase in the number of new infections.

For instance, in the past 24 hours the country has registered 514 new COVID-19 cases with 79 new recoveries, bringing the total of actives cases in the country to 4,436.

This has been confirmed in a statement released by Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda wo is also Co-chair of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19.

According to the statement, the country has registered 8 fatalities bringing the total of death toll to 1264.

“Cumulatively, Malawi has recorded 39,932 cases including 1,264 deaths (Case Fatality Rate is at 3.17%). Of these cases, 2,499 are imported infections and 37,433 are locally transmitted. Cumulatively, 34,000 cases have now recovered (recovery rate of 85.1%) and 232 were lost to follow-up.

“This brings the total number of active cases to 4,436. In the past 24 hours, there were 55 new admissions in the treatment units while 23 cases were discharged,” reads in part the statement.

Health reports show that most of the affected people are the ones who did not took the COVID-19 jab.

Meanwhile Minister of Health has urged Malawians to go and receive the jab once the vaccines arrive this coming Thursday.

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