Former Speaker of the National Assembly Louis Chimango has trashed the injunction obtained by opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba against Leader of Opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa.

Chimango, a lawyer said during the sitting of Parliament the Speaker or an MP should not be served with any court orders.

Drawing from his own experience as Speaker, he said he used to refuse to be served with court orders to avoid compromising his role and that of the National Assembly.

“Can you serve it on the Speaker while the House is in session? My view is you do not do that and don’t do it. Don’t serve it on the Speaker because that is not right because that is another arm of government doing its part. In fact, during my time I refused to be served. If someone tried to do it, I refused,” said Chimango.

On Thursday, Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara refused to act on an injunction obtained by Namalomba, claiming that she is yet to be served with the court order.

She then ordered Namalomba who returned to his old seat number 25 to return to the newly allocated seat number 100.

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