A man has uprooted his brother in-law plants in a garden due to jealousy at Katanso village, Traditional Authority Juma in Mulanje district.

According to Mathias Bamusi, a resident in the village said the man identified as Samson got married to his wife in 2013 and has been living at his wife’s place as the culture demands.

“Samson is a farmer, due to his hard work he has been doing well in his career to the extent that he managed to build a 5 bedroom house, bought 2 cattle and a motor bicycle,” he said.

Bamusi further said because of his achievements through agriculture he become more pompous and was not considering the fact that he was staying at his in-laws place up until in 2018 when his wife’s young sister Alinafe got married.

“Alinafe’s husband was already doing well through the same agriculture and much better than Samson, he started investing and buying a lot of land for his agriculture business untillast year when he released many profits from the farm produce, i can say the profits were five times to what Samson got,” Bamusi explained.

He added that anger and jealousy corrupted Samson being the first son in-law he could not harvest and yield many profits like what his junior brother did.

“Early Monday morning, Samson went to his co-in-law’s irrigation farm and slashed all the vegetables and green maize under the pretense of madness, when the owner heard the situation at his farm he cried like a baby knowing that a lot of millions has been wasted,” he explained.

Another resident in the village, Mayankho Biseni who claims to be a friend to Samson said his friend pretended to be mad with an intention of destroying the farm because he once told him that one day his brother in marriage is going to cry because he does not have respect for elders.

“He is not mad, infact he is my friend and I know him very well because we have been friends for so long and this madness of a thing is just an excuse to escape what he did,” Biseni said.

Meanwhile the case was reported to the village headman who is yet to solve the it.

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