Thyolo First Grade Magistrate has granted bail to two among five suspected criminals who allegedly robbed two businesspersons of over K4.6 million at gunpoint in the district last month.

The two has been identified as Rizwani Issa and Nichorus June are suspected that they were in the criminal gang including Kambuka Dambwe, Aubrey Chambuluka and Cosmas Amos who were involved in the robbery counts committed on 20 and 21 February 2023 at Platers Tea Agency (PTA) number 1 police checkpoint and Hatchery respectively.

First Grade Magistrate Kondani Chinangwa has released on bail Rizwani Issa and Nichorus June after their lawyers Chancy Gondwe argued that Issa, cooperated since he handed himself to police, while lawyer Hanif Aufi said June will abide by the bail conditions which included K1 million non-cash sureties.

However, Thyolo Police State Prosecutor, Sub-Inspector Felix Senzani, insisted that the two are a security risk since their crimes involved the use of a rifle, Webley revolver and it will be difficult to round them up again if they flee.

Another suspect, Dan Kumbuka Dambwe, who is a former Malawi Defence Force (MDF) soldier, was not in court since he also attended another case in Blantyre, whereas the other two, Aubrey Chambuluka and Cosmas Amos needed a proof that they would not skip bail and evade trial.

This is the second time the suspects appearing in court on the same matter, as the judge adjourned the case to from 6 March to 23 March 2023

Meanwhile the hearing is expected to commence on 11 April, 2023 as the case adjourned to the date.

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