Tanzanian authorities are investigating social media users accused of spreading false information about Vice-President Philip Mpango’s health.

Mr Mpango resurfaced on Sunday after being absent from public view for over a month, sparking relief and ending widespread rumours he had died.

Information Minister Nape Nnauye has ordered investigations into those who spread the speculation.

Mr Mpango says he was hurt by the false rumours circulating on social media.

The vice-president was last seen in public on 31 October while representing President Samia Suluhu Hassan during a virtual meeting of leaders from the Southern African Development Community.

There have been mixed reactions regarding the vice-president’s return and the rumours that surrounded his absence. Some argue the matter was mishandled by the government’s failure to provide clear information about the his whereabouts.

His absence had sparked widespread concern, with Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa previously warning citizens against the speculation.


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