Police in Phalombe have arrested three men for conspiracy to commit the felony and criminal trespass.

It is reported that the driver and his Assistant went to Phalombe district at Nkhulambe Health Center which is not functioning due to cyclone Freddy Disaster to commit the felonious offences.

The driver and his assistant went there on a Lorry Leyland DAF Registration number RU 3272 with an attempt to load a 20 feet container which is at the hospital without a permit.

When the Officers at Nkhulambe Police Unit, become suspicious about what these suspects were doing, they asked them to show documents or permit that gave them audacity to carry the container.

These suspects, failed to show documents instead they said verbally that they had been sent by the owner of that said Vehicle who by then was in Blantyre.

The owner of the motor vehicle was arrested on February 26, 2024.

When Phalombe District Health Office Administration engaged, they said were not aware of any arrangements to transfer the container from Nkhulambe to any place.

Meanwhile, the owner of the motor vehicle, the driver and Assistant driver are still in our custody soon will appear in court to answer charges leveled against them.

Patrick Chatika aged 42, hails from Ngani Village Traditional Authority Khumpha in Likoma District, Harrison Njatula, 71, hails from Kasapato Village Traditional Authority Ganya in Ntcheu District and Chikondi Kachepa, aged 24, hails from Namaonya Village, Traditional Authority Nsabwe, in Thyolo District.

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