Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has accused Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) of sleeping on its job watching political leaders uttering hate speeches.

Billy Mayaya chairperson for HRDC in the central region aid this yesterday during a press briefing the coalition organized in the capital city Lilongwe.

Mayaya said it is very unfortunate that instead of constructive and issue based campaign politicians are opting for hate speeches.

He therefore cautioned President Peter Mutharika’s remarks against former president Joyce Banda as unfortunate.

In his remarks HRDC member Mac Donald Sembereka questioned the continued attacks of the judiciary by Mutharika.

Sembereka wondered why “Mutharika a lawyer himself keeps on castigating judges who presided over the elections case?”

Sembereka also issued a warning to the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members who are threatening HRDC members.

He then assured Malawians that HRDC will not stop to fight impunity in the country.

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