National police spokesperson Peter Kalaya has confirmed the arrested of one of their own Sub Inspector David Chitsike in connection with the killing of a 36 year old man at Gateway Mall in Lilongwe.

According to Kalaya, the police are still investigating the matter and will feed the general public once they are done.

“We are aware of the incident and at the moment we have placed the officer involved in the fracas in our custody, once all the investigations are done we will update the nation accordingly,” Kalaya said.

The family of Chikondi Makawa said they cannot comment on the matter at the moment as they are still mourning.

“We will come back to you once we are done with the burial arrangements, at the moment there are a lot of versions on social media to which we cannot respond,” said a representative of the family.

Reports say fitness trainer Chikondi Makawa was shot by Chitsike on the chest following misunderstandings of a bottled water after the deceased failed to settle the bill.

According to police report, Makawa was shot accidentally by the police officer when he attempted to snatch the gun from him.

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